Natural Garden Vase

Rp 2.450.000

Who excited to sharing session after Belgium flower trip? beginner and advance are welcome! Siap-siap upgarde skill di kelas Natural Garden vase workshop dengan menggunakan pin frog dan chicken wire bersama Sasa seorang senior florist Baleton yang habis ikut flower workshop di Belgium. yuhuuu~

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Who excited to sharing session after Belgium flower trip? beginner and advance are welcome! Siap-siap upgarde skill di kelas Natural Garden vase workshop dengan menggunakan pin frog dan chicken wire bersama Sasa seorang senior florist Baleton yang habis ikut flower workshop di Belgium. yuhuuu~

Pengajar akan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa pengantar dalam kelas ini sehingga akan lebih mudah dipahami, kelas pun bersifat santai dan tidak membosankan jadi kamu tidak usah takut untuk belajar ya. Manfaatkan waktu dalam kelas ini untuk menggali ilmu sebanyak-banyaknya dari pengajar, karena merangkai bunga merupakan bagian dari seni jadi nikmatilah setiap prosesnya. See you soon at rumah Baleton dear!


Akan mempelajar:

1. Learn how to make your Centerpiece Arrangement with a bowl 

2. Learn how to make your Centerpiece arrangement with chicken wire + pin frog 

3. Learn how to make a natural garden style Centerpiece

4. Learn how to make 360 Centerpiece Arrangement 

5. You will bring all the media + fresh flower for the arrangement 

6. Learn how to make Centerpiece Arrangement for your event, home, etc. 

Akan mendapatkan:

1Hasil dari rangkaian yang kamu buat

2. Menambah koneksi dengan florist lain

3. Lifetime Flowers Group

4. Makan siang

5. Dokumentasi selama workshop

Tanggal dan Waktu: Sabtu, 26 Agustus 2023 @ 10 pagi
Tingkat: Beginner and advance are welcome!
Durasi: 5 jam

Lokasi: Rumah Baleton
Alamat: Jl. Pluit Karang Manis No.51, RT.7/RW.8, Pluit, Kec. Penjaringan, Kota Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14450

Terms & Condition:

1. Kelas akan berjalan ketika sudah memenuhi kuota minimal 8 peserta
2. Workshop akan dilaksanakan pada 26 Agustus 2023
3. Hasil workshop bisa dibawa pulang kecuali tools yang digunakan
4. Semua peserta wajib fully vaccine dan menerapkan protokol kesehatan
5. Sudah include lunch, drinks, tools
6. Pemabatalan kelas maksimal 5 hari sebelum kelas berlangsung. Lebih dari hari tersebut tidak dapat refund
7. Pembatalan dengan alasan kedukaan atau sakit keras akan dikembalikan sebesar 50%. Diluar dari alasan tersebut tidak dapat refund.




Who's excited to sharing session after the Belgium flower trip? Get ready to upgrade your skills in the Natural Garden Vase Workshop class using frog pins and chicken wire with Sasa, a senior Baleton florist who has attended a flower workshop in Belgium. yuhuuu~

The coach will use Indonesian as the language of instruction in this class so that it will be easier to understand, Classes are also relaxed and not boring, so don't be afraid to learn. Take advantage of the time in this class to learn as much as possible from the teacher, because flower arrangement is part of art, so enjoy every process. See you soon at Rumah Baleton, dear!

What will you learn:

1. Learn how to make your Centerpiece Arrangement with a bowl 

2. Learn how to make your Centerpiece arrangement with chicken wire + pin frog 

3. Learn how to make a natural garden style Centerpiece

4. Learn how to make 360 Centerpiece Arrangement 

5. You will bring all the media + fresh flower for the arrangement 

6. Learn how to make Centerpiece Arrangement for your event, home, etc. 


What will you get:

1The Result

2. Connection

3. Join Lifetime Flowers Group

4. Lunch

5. Documentation class

Date and Time: Saturday, August 26, 2023 @ 10am
Level: Beginner and advance are welcome
Duration: 5 hours

Location: Rumah Baleton
Address: Jl. Karang Manis Pluit No. 51, RT.7/RW.8, Pluit, Kec. Penjaringan, City of North Jkt, Special Capital Region of Jakarta 14450

Terms & Conditions:

1. The class will run when it meets the minimum quota of 8 participants
2. The workshop will be held on August 26, 2023
3. Workshop results can be taken home except for the tools used
4. All participants must fully vaccine and apply health protocols
5. Already includes lunch, drinks, tools
6. Cancellation of classes up to 5 days before the class takes place. More than that day cannot be refunded.
7. Cancellations due to grief or serious illness will be refunded 50%. Apart from these reasons, it cannot be refunded.

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